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.   Phillip Waters   .   Bio  .  Artist Statement   .

Bio  .


I grew up in Sydney, have formal qualifications in Architecture, have spent many pleasurable years designing buildings, probably not as many creating Art, and now can enjoy doing both.

Statement .


I love looking at the connections, the philosophies and the environments, that connect people. I like exploring the relationship of one human to another, one group to another, one ideology to another, and how they are effected by status, environment and situation. That melting pot of beliefs, religion, status, power, greed, predjudice, love, that drives people.


My work usually centres around how these human relationships effect me as a person, either as a particiant, or as an observer. 


I draw inspiration from the environment around me, how people connect. From a mob of laughing kids, to a warring pair of countries. I am an urban person, an observant person, a listener, a thinker. I feel equally grounded in an urban, or a non-urban setting.


When it comes to creating a new work, I usually start my work putting paint on a canvas, rough out an idea with paint, and gradually work it up. Quite often bring in found images or objects, if they add to the story, and i don't usually do preliminary sketches. Sometimes it's the found object that starts the story, and the rest follows. The process evolves as it needs to, a certain dialogue goes on with the canvas, and the pieces evolve, connect, and tell their own story. 


Enjoy the following pieces, they are varied. My body of work is always, growing, and evolving. Feedback is always welcome.


Everything is for sale, send a message on the contact page if you are interested. Some paintings are framed, but some canvases look better unframed. They are all different.



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